
From the start, birth has always felt like a home to me.

Over the years, I've had the opportunity to see all kinds of births - lots of water birth, vaginal breech, twins, VBAC, VBA2C’s, and plenty of beautiful home births…

In the medical settings (where I primarily attend births), I’m collaborative and unconditionally support mothers but also make a point to learn as much as possible at every birth.

I believe deeply in the intelligent design of childbirth. I also believe support during birth can make all the difference in modern settings and how well we transition into the roles of parenthood.

I have always been a very social extrovert with many close friendships but my daily life mostly revolves around my family and our rituals like dinner every night at the table.

Most of the time I'm on call, necessitating household routines that keep us all well-rested and healthy, like early bedtimes.

Looking ahead through 2024 — I turn 40! I hope to visit Hawaii for the first time and bring my knowledge about birth and labor support to a format for the online space.

My husband and I have four kids between us and we’re sure we have the greatest kids in the world.

I consider it a remarkable privilege to serve women becoming Mothers.

My Personal Births

2007 - My oldest son’s birth. With midwives and an amazing doula at Sutter Davis Hospital in Davis, California. Isaiah entered the world after a several day labor and over four hours of pushing. He was 8.2lbs and 20 inches long. He was born on a Sunday in February.

2013 - My youngest son’s birth was with two midwives at home. Everett entered the world after sixteen total hours of labor and about thirty minutes of pushing. He was 9.5lbs and 21 inches long. He was born on Easter Sunday.