
My handsome husband and I live in El Dorado County and have four kids between eight and seventeen. My husband feels everyone should know that he is almost two years younger than I am.

I feel forty is still young and I’m thankful for the chance to grow into a ridiculous old lady who wears fancy slippers with fur coats and pajama pants in public anytime she wants to.

My life is full of all the things I could ever hope for - a warm, cozy house full of kids, books, and pictures. We are certain we have the best kids there ever were and with any luck, you will feel the same.

I have an undergraduate degree in healthcare administration and at least two awards for Best Mom Ever.

I feel the most joy when I’m outside breathing fresh air, feet on the earth; praying, or reading with family somewhere nearby.

My professional background began twenty years ago in the real estate industry and slowly transitioned through tech and the greater healthcare sector, usually in sales and marketing.

But after my second baby was born in 2013, I left the corporate environment to stay home until my youngest was school-aged.

I planned to do birth work very part-time and eventually go back to tech. But I fell in love with it right away and learned for the first time what it meant to do work you are absolutely called to do.

The more I answered the call and poured my heart into serving women, birth, and the community, the more goodness and gifts poured into me.

Within a short period, I was very busy, booked full-time as a birth doula, and collaborating with local hospital staff and midwives. A few years in, I began to teach holistic, comprehensive childbirth education as well.

Eventually, I added a role in patient advocacy consulting for women across the country looking for straightforward information to help navigate the modern (and often challenging) medical complex.

And no matter how many births I witness (300 + at the time I am writing this), I am in awe that I get to do this wild and wonderful work.

My Births

2007 - My oldest son’s birth with midwives and an amazing doula at Sutter Davis Hospital in Davis, California.

Isaiah entered the world after a very long labor. He was 8.2lbs. He was born on a Sunday.

2013 - My youngest son’s birth was with two midwives at home. Everett entered the world after a much shorter labor. He was 9.5 pounds. He was born on Easter Sunday.

Because of the professional doula and midwifery support I was given during those births, their first moments of life (and the years following) were forever changed.

I am so thankful I was surrounded by those who understand the impact of birth and helped me through these remarkable experiences.